Dining Room

Ok so this room was dark and in bad shape.  The one good thing it had going for it was the beautiful hardwood floors OH and that bay window is pretty fab too so that makes 2 great things!

First, we removed the wood paneling at the bottom and the wallpaper from the top, we discovered mold and we had to have it remediated before we went any further – total bummer and nerve-raking! Luckily it WASN’T black mold….  This mold issue ran down the wall and into the finished basement and our home insurance covered it – PHEW!

We carried the sunshine yellow through to this room for a bright cheerful feel.  Added wood molding details to the bottom to emulate what we had in the living room and painted that all fresh white.  We painted the ceiling and beams in bright white.  Painted out the bay window in bright white as well.

Installed a new 6 candle chandelier in black and bought light cream shades at the Christmas Tree shop for $1.99 ea!  https://www.affordablequalitylighting.com/indoor-lighting/chandeliers/colonial-candles-6-light-chandelier-9016/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzMbLBRBzEiwAfFz4gVuGeJ6ZE-p4NBxEa9R3RvMlVdamecyHyrnZCFXSIjBMhzpMIoeCfBoCmbsQAvD_BwE

We got the table from the Mill store unfinished.  we stained the top a dark walnut and painted the legs in white.  Found chairs on craigslist and gave them a refresh with paint and fabric.

The sideboard was $30 from craigslist – check out rehab and chalk paint tutorial here https://towneandmain.com/diy-chalk-paint-2/

The large window was an old salvaged piece from a farmhouse in Arlington.  I painted it added a wood ledge with brackets and hung over the sideboard.